Sunday, May 10, 2009

Old Boyfriends

When I was going to USU back in 2001 I had a boyfriend named Matt. Matt actually lived in Salt Lake. We met each other every Wednesday night in Layton for dinner and then on the weekends I came home. I pretty much lived at his house other than for sleeping, and even then I did a lot of sleeping there too. We got along alright but Matt was headed towards marriage and I knew that if I married him for eternity, I would have to kill him. He was a nice guy but he was an engineer. I am sorry but I could not live with an engineer. (Trust me, I dated enough of them, my uncle is one....yeah, not my cup of tea or water as the case may be.) So eventually we broke up. It took some time as he didn't want to let me pull the band aid off quickly. We did become really good friends at one point. Seriously, we even got so we could hang out. Sometimes making out, sometimes not.
Matt ended up marrying and buying a house right near my mom. I have run in to him a few times at the grocery store. All before I was married. One time though, Rick and I were there and did see him. He didn't see me and I just laughed to my self thinking...oh crap I could have had that?!? Thank you, NO! Rick asked dated him?!? Yeah... Guess I needed to get out of the house.
I was at the same grocery store Friday getting stuff for Marissa. As I pulled into the parking lot I thought, hmmm I wonder who I am going to see today. Maybe I will get lucky and see Matt.
As I was getting ready to check out, in the distance I saw a guy who looked familiar with his wife. Hot diggitie! It was Matt! So of course I went over to say hi.
I had never met his wife, only heard about her from him back during their first year of marriage about 3 or 4 years ago. I said hi and asked how he was. I don't think I have ever seen someone looked so shocked in my life. It was AWESOME! Seriously, his mouth was hanging open. He did say, "I thought you looked familiar." He seemed to be off in his own little world...nothing new I introduced myself to his wife as a friend from a long time ago. I didn't want to make her feel too awkward. I asked how life was treating them, how many children they have now and blah blah blah. Then as I was about to leave, I turned to her and told her what beautiful eyes she had. (I really meant it to!) But I knew that would so irritate him that I felt comfortable enough to say something like that.
Now you might not find this all that funny. Rick didn't appreciate it like I would have liked but he had already made fun of him with me last time we saw him. But man I sure got a kick out of the shocked expression on his face. It truly was priceless and it also reminded me, NEVER leave home without a bra, real clothing and make up. You just never know who you will run into.

(I am sorry but I didn't have a digital camera back then and I don't think I ever took a photo of him.)